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You will receive a document outlining the overall theme of each month for 2025 via a PDF document. I will draw 2 tarot cards, one Spirit Animal Card, and one Moon Oracle Card for all twelve months. You will receive a picture of the cards for each month.


Once I've drawn your cards, I will interpret the cards and provide you with my predictions for you in text format so that you can understand each month. This can be very beneficial as you work to plan out your year ahead in regards to your personal goals and ambitions. And also, to prepare yourself emotionally for a possibily wonderful, or difficult, month. 


I did this for myself in December 2023 for the year ahead (2024) and it has been wildly helpful for me to project certain things in my life this year. This is why I feel particularly confident to offer you the same reading. 


Upon ordering this digital file, it will be delivered via email from me directly via PDF format within 7 business days of placing your order.

2025 Twelve Month Forecast

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